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Crossroads is GOING GREEN and adding Solar Panels to our building! By completely eliminating our electric bill, we will not only be reducing our demand for fossil fuels but will be able to divert more of our resources toward the Ministry of bringing the hope of the Gospel to hurting people in hard to reach places.


We need your help to make this a reality. Design and installation services are being generously donated by Castle Energy, so we need only raise $15,000 to purchase the equipment. Your donation will not only make an earthly impact but could make an eternal impact on the life of someone we help.


Click below to donate. Also, check out some design details here...

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Reduced Electric Bill 

Our solar system will be connected to the grid. That means we will be able to product power when the sun is shining and store it on the grid when we are not using it. We can then pull the power back from the grid when we need it. The net result will be no electric bill. We may even get a check back in extremely sunny months.

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Creation Care

As an influential member of our community, we seek to set a precedent for good stewardship. God has given us creation to take care of and enjoy. To us, creation care looks like taking responsibility for producing the power we need - right where we need it. And using renewable resources (like solar power) to do it. 

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Touching our Community

Reducing our monthly utility costs will actually allow us to invest more in the lives of people around us. Being uniquely located on Brookpark Rd, one of our pillar ministries is to share the Hope of the Gospel with Hurting people in Hard to reach places. Even the smallest outreach effort can make an eternal difference is someone's life.

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